The Great Contradiction:

How can all options be wrong?

(Finding the truth)

As we have looked at these theories and tested them using scientific laws, we have now come to the end of the testing and coming to a conclusion: why both theories seem to be very questionable (none have all/a lot of check marks thus completely agree with the universal laws) it seems creationism is the more correct origin theory rather than evolution but before we come to a final conclusion let's take a closer look at these laws:

 We could have missed something about them, like a natural 'exception':

As covered in the link above, Scientific laws can have 'exceptions': or certain conditions that can be met to lessen the effects of the law or even completely nullify them. In considering the laws used to test the origin theories we highly need to consider if any of these laws also have any natural 'exceptions' known that could dramatical change the test outcome on which origin theory is more accurate/trueful:

1. The law of cause and effect (Law of Casually)

Like said before, this law states that everything happens from a cause and that cause has an effect; but are there any natural exceptions to this rule?

As of now, there is no known natural exception to the law of cause and effect, everything known in reality has happened or has always seemed to have a cause for its existence. Therefore, this law seems to have no natural exceptions. 

2. Law of conservation of matter and energy

Like stated before, this law states that all matter and energy in existence cannot be created or destroyed just changed

There is no known exception to these rules: all energy and matter observed have never been created nor destroyed in anyway but rather matter and energy just seem to change forms; therefore, there are no known natural exceptions to this rule.

3.Law of 2nd Thermodynamics (Law of Increasing Disorder/ Law of ever-increasing entropy)

Like stated before, this law states that all things are heading towards a more chaotic state in time: All complex orderly things will eventually become simple and disorderly over time.

Why this law seems very universal like all these other laws, there is one known exception to this law: all things in the universe seem to go from something complex and orderly to something simple and chaotic given enough time BUT an external/powerful enough force (most often found in an intelligent being) can bring order to the increasing disorder by the power and order it wants to give and restore order: in this way the law of 2nd thermodynamic can be reduced and even be reversed:

 An example of an intelligent being reversing the law of 2nd thermodynamic is someone trying to clean their messy room: it was heading towards simpler form and chaos yet because somebody with their force put everything where it belonged and restored order to the otherwise disorderly room. 

So, this law does have a natural exception. 

4.Law of Biogenesis 

Like stated before, this law states that all living things always come from other living things of the same species/type and never are produced spontaneously from non-life (inorganic material) or by another species.

There is no known exception to this law either: there has never been life coming from non-life or a different species coming from another species; the same species always come from the exact same species and nowhere else, however new life has been observed to be created by crossbreeding different species to make a hybrid-species that could possibly reproduce new hybrid-species with one another [1]. So this might point to a possible condition to this rule: if two species could interbreed with one another and create a hybrid-species that could reproduce with other hybrid-species then this could be an exception to the exact same species only reproducing the same species. However, even this small exception has limits: usually this is limited to species that are closely related to one another and even the new hybrid-species produced is not necessarily a totally different species but rather a hybrid of the same 'type' of species; and all this ultimately does not make exceptions to the main rule for Biogenesis: Life still comes from life!

therefore, there are no known natural exceptions to this rule.

So, it seems almost all of these laws (except the 2nd law of thermodynamics/Law of ever increasing disorder) do not have any known natural exceptions, but in a massive ironic contradiction almost every single one of these would have to been broken in some point in the distant past for all reality and life on Earth to exist like it does now!

Since the universe has evidence, it has not been around for all eternity past (also proved by the law of cause and effect: the universe most likely had a cause or beginning) and therefore matter and energy at some point had to be created/come into existence (violating the law of conservation of matter/energy) and eventually life had to come from non-life at some point (Violating the law of Biogenesis).

This makes the origin of the universe an amazing miracle just by it's existence that seems to completely go against all laws of nature as observed today, But the real question is which theory or origin most likely/did happen to cause such a great miracle? with the one exception to the rules stated here, only the 2nd law of thermodynamics has an exception, so how are the other three laws going to show us which one is the more likely origin with this major contradiction?

As explained above, only one law has a natural exception: the 2nd law of Thermodynamics (also known as the Law of Increasing Disorder/ Law of ever-increasing entropy): this law is as natural and universal as the law of gravity or the law of cause and effect, yet it has one known natural exception:

If an external force strong enough (often found in an intelligent powerful being) works to control the increasing disorder, then this law will be reduced and even reversed back to more complex order.

Why this is the only known natural exception to these universal laws, the exception to this one law leads to another similar scientific observation that just might be the logical exception to the rest of the laws: this observation just might logically explain the violations that had to have happened in the distant past to these laws for the universe to exists like it does:

Another observation possibly discovered from the natural exception from the 2nd law of thermodynamics:

The observation of intelligent design

Why it may seem like these three laws have no natural exceptions (and technically no natural exception is really known) there is one direct natural observation (though not an official scientific law in itself) that could logically explain more of them:

Similarly to the natural exception to the law of 2nd thermodynamics is the observation of intelligent design

This scientific observation means:

Something new and/or far more complex can be built from more simple existing parts from an already existing intelligent being able to harness and build with this material.

 Though not a scientific law, it is a logical observation similar to the only natural exception found here that needs to be seriously considered:

Examples of this observation can be seen from all types of living intelligent beings on Earth (the only living intelligent beings known to human scientists at this time) all over the place in many different ways:

Animal examples

Birds Making nests

When birds want to lay eggs (their young/children) or even find a mate they build a protective nest to house the eggs (impress mates), by finding and taking sticks/twigs, and/or grass, mud, and other soft fibers and weaving/patching them together in an orderly way to make a nest (something entirely new) a structure to hold and protect the eggs and chicks when they hatch (or impress mates) [2].

Termites building mounds

Some Termite colonies build to for a home for the colony: the worker termites take dirt and mix it with their saliva and stick it together to make the walls which solidifies into a hard like substance then with this material they build these mounds with complex tunnels and networks for air circulation in the mound [3].

Crows creating bug stick out of twigs

Some crows can create tools to help them get insects out of tight places to eat them: they take a straight thin twig and carve a small hook into it to get insects out of tight places [4].

Chimpanzees make spears

Some chimpanzees can take sticks and sharpen an edge to make a spear to hunt prey for food [5].

human examples


Humans can take or other plant fibers from dead plants and put them together roll up the paper or bind the paper in sheets together to be wrote on [6].


 From dead trees humans can carve the wood to make boards, take rocks and mine them and file them into stones/bricks together, then can nail them together and make something new: a house or temple to live in or worship in [7].


Humans can get Fiberglass, silicone crystals, resins, heat/light, copper, and plastics together to make wires microchips and other electronic hardware and form from plastic and other metals the other parts such as the keyboard, screen etc. and code the machine to make a program to make a working computer: an artificial machine that can calculate and perform tasks (in a sense, can somewhat ‘think’ by its programing)[8].

And a lot more examples can be seen from intelligent beings on Earth, but this observation can clearly be seen.

Could this observation be the only natural exception to the other laws, and could this be the more likely answer to the origin of the universe? With the only natural exception to a law and similar scientific observation let's retest the laws.

(Back to finding the truth)




World Atlas “10 Fascinating Animal Crossbreeds” by Antonia Čirjak on May 23 2020



Pepper Geek “Plant Breeding Methods – How to Cross Two Plants” by Calvin on 09/09/2020



Birdfact How Do Birds Build Nests? (5 Key Types) 9 October 2022



Pests guru "Termite Nests and Mounds: How Do They Do It? What are They Made of?"


[4] “Tool-Making Crows Are Even Smarter Than We Thought” by Nat Geo Wild on Jan 24, 2018



MyAnimals “Fongoli Chimpanzees With Spears” by Eugenio Fernández Suárez. By 21 December, 2022




Ancient Egypt online “Ancient Egyptian Papyrus”



Science ABC "How Is Paper Made?" By Akash Peshin Last Updated On: 8 Jul 2022 Published On: 27 Jun 2018



Wikipedia "Building"



How To Build a PC “Materials” by Justin Johnson, Cindy Tripp, Antonio Baker, and Ronald Scott at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana.




How To Build a PC “Materials” by Justin Johnson, Cindy Tripp, Antonio Baker, and Ronald Scott at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana.



Medium “How Microchips Are Made?” by Glsun Group On May 26, 2021
